The psychologist John Gottman has found that there are four areas that indicate a marriage is in trouble...
Read MoreParents often try their best to control their children’s behavior, but find themselves helpless to do make any changes.
Read MoreDomestic violence, according to FBI crime statistics, occurs every 18 seconds in the USA. One reliable statistic indicates that 1.5 million or more women and over 830,000 men are seriously injured every year. Twenty nine percent of women murdered in 1992, for example, were murdered by their boyfriends or husbands.
Read MoreParents often struggle with whether or not they should consult a professional in the mental health field regarding their child. On the one hand, I have seen children who need no professional intervention. They are doing well, but may have had a recent period of stress, trouble in one particular area of school or peer relations, but generally, this has not caused them or others distress beyond the specific areas of concern. On the other hand, parents have brought children for therapy and they have waited until every major area of their child’s life is affected by problems. Therapy, at this point, is long overdue.
Read MoreAs a youth, I often found pleasure in going to the downtown or school library. As a science major in high school, I was attracted to authors such as the late George Gamow and Issac Asimov and was certainly influenced in my quest for new knowledge, by a friend, who went on to become a well known national scientist.
Read MoreA list of activities that can help anxious and worried children
Read MoreCrystal Methamphetamine or “meth” was first used in Japan in the early part of the 1900s. It is water soluble, so it could be used in intravenous form. Methamphetamine is a more powerful stimulant than amphetamine. Amphetamines were developed in the late 1800s in Germany and used during prohibition by people in the US looking for a “buzz.” Before this, amphetamines were prescribed by physicians for various ailments.
Read MoreThe current scientific literature suggests that all animals may have personalities. Animals ranging from minks, mice, dolphins, monkeys, snakes, spotted hyenas and bears all have been studied and found to exhibit a range of personality traits. Personality traits are those behaviors or characteristics that are exhibited in a consist manner and help define the person (or perhaps animal) as we know them.
Read MoreThe Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual is the result of intensive labor and collaborative effort of the American Psychoanalytic Association, International Psychoanalytic Association, Division of Psychoanalysis (39) of American Psychological Association, American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry, and National Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work. The PDM is different than the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) which has traditionally been used for diagnosis in mental health work. The DSM relies on descriptive psychiatry, a tradition began in the mid to later part of the 19th century, which is roughly the same time period that psychodynamic psychology was born, the basis of the PDM.
Read MoreA hallucination is defined as a sensory experience that is not based in external reality. Some hallucinations are more common than others. In bereavement or grieving, for example, it is not unusual for people to believe they have seen the deceased appear in some form, such as in a dream or far less privately, as in the case of seeing the person one is grieving, walking on the street. This experience is quite real for many people and may even be central in the processing the loss. Other hallucinations are more rare. For example, some people with Lyme disease have reported to have experienced musical hallucinations. They may hear Beethoven or Mozart as if they are at a concert hall.
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