Introduction to Attachment
An Introduction To Attachment was provided by Lisa Valez, LMSW ACSW on Thursday, November 17, 2011 at the office of Dr. Griffith. Ms. Valez provided an expert’s perspective on attachment and its impact on infant mental health. One important key to infant mental health and future child development is strong, healthy attachment to others. Ms. Valezdiscussed attachment theory basics, including why attachments are important, what builds attachmentand an introduction to assessment instruments for attachment.
Lisa Velez is a Licensed Master of Social Work and a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers. Lisa is a trainer of trainers, providing education about Infant Mental Health to the courts, judges, GAL's, prosecutors, DHS case workers and case aides. Lisa has been in the Infant Mental Health field for over 10 years and is endorsed as an Infant Mental Specialist, IMH-III and as an Infant Mental Mentor, IMH-IV. She has worked in the Community Mental Health system and private practice for a number of years. She continues to see clients privately and through DHS. Currently, Lisa works for the Community Healing Center, supervising their Infant Mental Health and Early Intervention Programs. Lisa also provides supervision for others who are working toward their endorsement in Infant Mental Health through the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
It was a pleasure to have Lisa Velez present as part of the Brown Bag Community Education Sessions.